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greetings from germany

termite: hello, i'm new here, i don't know, where i should write sth on me. i'm sorry, when i'm wrong... i'm laura, and i live in berlin. i'm the co-owner fron the german youth champion sheriff sammy vom ihlpol. i'm very happy to be here :-) i'm sorry for my english, i've learned this language in school for a few years, but i didn't like it... greeting from berlin, with 20cm snow on the streets ^^ laura + sammy

Ответов - 13

Lisa: Willkommen Laura, Hier gibt es leider keinen Schnee, dafür treffen wir heute drei andere Smoothies, ich bin mal gespannt ob uns ein paar nette Bilder gelingen... Sammy hat sich ja toll entwickelt, ein schönes Pokal-Foto habt ihr auf eurer Homepage LG Lisa

termite: hi lisa, cool, würde auch gerne mal hier ein paar andere smoothies treffen. ich hoffe, du hast ein paar bilder mitgebracht. vielen dank :-)

Lisa: Leider war das Licht sehr schlecht, die Fotos sind kaum was geworden... ein paar sind im Facebook album: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=46144&id=1372153384&l=a6fa1e5fcf eine tolle signatur hast Du, ich habe leider garkein händchen für solche dinge, da bin ich komplett unbegabt

termite: uii, die bilder seh ich mir gleich an. die signatur hab ich mir machen lassen, kann sowas auch nicht

minidonk: Hello I am new to the forum I have a new web site but as yet no kennel name ( I let my old one lapse many years ago when I stopped showing Rough Collies ) I will apply for a new Affix eventually!! Here is my web site address which gives my history in Collies, hope you like! http://smooth-collies.com/ Best Wishes Ann

Jack Mack: Nice to have you here! I have been to your website, you have a story in roughs - why not make one up in smooths And how about photos of the minidonkeys, I have never seen one. Welcome Ann! /Gudrun

minidonk: Thank you Gudrun! I have your web site on my favourites and am looking forward to seeing your puppies! I love my Smooths and would like to import a bitch one day. Are you coming to Cruft's? I also have a Miniature Donkey web site, some people will recognise the prefix from a well known Rough Collie Kennel!! www.minidonks.co.uk Ann

Jack Mack: Hi Ann! Yes, the name rings a bell and you know what - Arranbrook Cavalier was a G-Grandfather of my very first Smooth Collie, Liddy vom Ihlpol, the one that infected me with the virus I was not able to book a one-day flight this year for Crufts so I will have to stay home and tend my puppies. Wow, you got really something going with your Minidonks! /Gudrun

minidonk: Hi Gudrun The Arranbrook Roughs were lovely collies! Too bad about your flight to Cruft's! I may not make it as we have three foals due in March. I also want to get to British Collie (my favourite Championship show) and SCOTY is in March too!!! Anyone else from outside UK hoping to come to Cruft's? Ann

willowhurst: Hi Ann !! Hows ya doing up there ? See you at British fiona xxx

minidonk: Hi Fiona Hows the "bump"? I hear Mickey went BOB the other day. Well done! I hope to be at British!! Ann

willowhurst: Hello , Bump is good Still cooking BOB on sat too and last week at L&P Collie Mickey went RBOB and Thalo RBD , Best PUppy and Reserve Best Puppy In show We re going to British hopefully

minidonk: Hi Fiona Well Done boys!!! I sent you an email. Ann

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