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Merja: LAst weekend my smooth collie male Ykä got his fist agility CC in 3rd class, we also won that course. (second on that course was bordercollie, and his time was 2,5 seconds slower than ours) In agility dog needs to get 3 CCs from class 3, to became Agility Champion. And there´s has to be at least 1 year and 1 day between first and last CC. So, our clock is now ticking... Here´s link to our clean course = Clear round, 1st place At the same day there was another course, there Ykä dropper one jumped, but the time was very good. We lost only 0,35 seconds to winner of that course, and the winner was very fast bordercollie. [url= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxPfsIWVzJo]Another course with Ykä[/url] I´m so proud of my "little" boy

Ответов - 9 новых

Dagmar: Great videos!!! I like it very much, he is fast and really happy dog

komeva: Congratulations!! It's good to see that smooth collies can be successful also among other breeds I like Ykä's speed and performance, keep it up

IvanaR: Super runs!!! How old is your little boy?

Merja: Ivana, He turns 3 years old in the end of the July 2010 . So he is 2 years 10 months at this moment.

IvanaR: Wow, he is so young and so fast and cute, I like him very much. Congratulations

Merja: We also compete in agility in winter, last weekend we took part agility competition in Kemi, in northern Finland. There was abou 30 dogs in maxi 3- class, mainly bordercollies. Judge was Alen Marekovic from Croatia. But my collie Ykä did the race better than anyone else, and we did win the course. I am so happy! Here´s link to our video: Ykä in agility

Nina: Congratulations, well done!!!

Godiva: Ykä is my all-time favourite. I hope we will celebrate his agility champion title next summer...

Dasha: Hi, we have some videos too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do-OVG-yByk

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