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Winter walk with smoothies

IvanaR: Georg Krasna Louka (Jim), Bugatti z Roztockeho zamku (Andy), Cole Grenay (Vigo), Natalain Nightfall (Odie), Escape Krasna Louka (Skip) http://www.collie-smooth.com/ak110130/index.html Georg Krasna Louka (Jim): Bugatti Z Roztockeho zamku (Andy): Cole Grenay (Vigo): Natalain Nightfall (Odie): Escape Krasna Louka (Skip):

Ответов - 1

Alertness: Nice pictures of good-looking smooths :-). Is there a reason why some of the boys are muzzled? I know in some countries/cities the muzzle is required on big-sized dogs by the authorities.

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